Roberto Miccoli
Professional Profile
Roberto’s main areas of expertise include: legal and operational aspects of outsourcing projects and management, data protection, intellectual property, software licensing, IT TLC and technological contracts, commercial contracts, banking and financial law.
During his career at UniCredit Group Roberto held directorship positions in Hungary and the Czech Republic and handled several domestic and cross-border corporate transactions and outsourcing projects.
Doctor of Jurisprudence, University of Naples, 1994
Master’s Degree in Law and Economics of the European Communities (Scuola di Specializzazione in Diritto ed Economia delle Comunità Europee), University of Naples, 1996
Master’s Degree in Banking (Scuola di Specializzazione in Discipline Bancarie), University of Siena 2001
Bar Admittance
Admitted as Avvocato, 1998

Roberto Miccoli
Professional Profile
Roberto’s main areas of expertise include: legal and operational aspects of outsourcing projects and management, data protection, intellectual property, software licensing, IT TLC and technological contracts, commercial contracts, banking and financial law.
During his career at UniCredit Group Roberto held directorship positions in Hungary and the Czech Republic and handled several domestic and cross-border corporate transactions and outsourcing projects.
Doctor of Jurisprudence, University of Naples, 1994
Master’s Degree in Law and Economics of the European Communities (Scuola di Specializzazione in Diritto ed Economia delle Comunità Europee), University of Naples, 1996
Master’s Degree in Banking (Scuola di Specializzazione in Discipline Bancarie), University of Siena 2001
Bar Admittance
Admitted as Avvocato, 1998